Below you will find a list of contacts within the Club – Officers, Committee, Sub-Committees and others listed by role/responsibility, as well as details on our President, Vice Presidents and Patrons. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any queries.


Sig. Paolo Allessandrini | Sig.ra Serena Bernardi | Sig. Andrea Langianni | Sig. Daniele Noris | Mr Chris Page

President & Vice Presidents

Mrs Ann Kemp

Sig. Fabrizio Caira
Vice President

Sig. Ermanno Zavagli
Vice President


Kath Bransby
Honorary Secretary

Louise Ferguson
Honorary Chairman

Trevor Bates
Honorary Treasurer


Julie Nelson

Stephanie Shepherd

Simon Whittick

Sheila Langley (co-opted)

Alan Roberts (co-opted)

Health Sub-Committee

Our Sub-Committee details will be updated shortly. Please contact the Chair of our HSC with any queries:

Charlotte Stacey

Chairman, Health Sub-Committee

Judging Sub-Committee

Please contact the Judging Sub-Committee via our Honorary Secretary:

Kath Bransby

Honorary Secretary

Please send Judging Applications via our Coordinator, Stephanie Shepherd:

Working Sub-Committee

Jude Bullen


Louise Ferguson

Andrew Macpherson

Kerry Roberts

Susan Tindall

List of Other Club Committee / Member Responsibilities A-Z

Activities (Agility/Rally)

Julie Nelson
Activities Secretary

Breed Notes

Simon Whittick

Breeds Liaison Council (KC)

Health Sub-Committee Chairman

Charlotte Stacey

Judging Applications

Via Kath Bransby, Honorary Secretary


Lucy Lillicrap
Membership Secretary


Ann Kemp


Stephanie Shepherd

Puppy Advisers

(See below)

Rescue and Rehome

Please contact Sharon Martin or Charlotte Stacey

Show Secretary

Sharon Martin
Show Secretary


Jude Bullen
Website Administrator


Jude Bullen

LRCGB Puppy Adviser contacts

Our Committee Members listed below are specifically dedicated to helping prospective owners with information on both our breed’s characteristics and the availability of puppies. Please feel free to contact us for advice or if you have any queries.

Kath Bransby

Honorary Secretary

Louise Ferguson

Honorary Chairman

Julie Nelson

Committee Member
07980 329789