(including Results, Critiques and Photos)

Gallery of Lagotto Romagnolo at external Shows

Showing a Lagotto Romagnolo in the UK

The Lagotto Romagnolo sits within the Gundog Group (Group 8) under the Kennel Club, having moved from the Import Register to the Breed Register in April 2015.

Ringcraft Training

If you are interested in showing your Lagotto, it is a good idea to join a ringcraft club where you will be given advice and training on how to show your dog. You will need a show lead, and suggestions on these can be found from us, other owners/exhibitors, or from your ringcraft club. You can also contact any of our Committee members for suggestions on how to get started…

Different Types of Show and How to Enter

The procedure for entering shows differs depending on the type of show. Less formal Companion Dog Shows take entries when you arrive. Kennel Club Open Shows and Championship Shows have a closing date (postal and online) for entries and payment to be submitted; with online entries, dog entry/exit pass, car parking pass and catalogue voucher etc will sometimes be available to download in the lead-up to the show; information will also be added on number of entries and judging orders. The following websites are used by dog clubs/societies as hosts for show catalogues, entry forms and online entries:


If you are new to showing, and are unsure how to enter your dog or which classes he/she is eligible for, please ask. We are very happy to help…

Grooming Preparation for the Show Ring

Information on grooming your Lagotto for a show is available. We often run a grooming demonstration specifically for showing in the lead-up to our June Show, but are always available to give advice at any time. Guidelines on grooming for show and generally are also available from Louise Ferguson (posted under our ‘The Breed/Grooming‘ section).

Annual Club Awards - Show Lagotto of the Year, Show Puppy of the Year and Show Veteran of the Year

We present an annual award for Show Lagotto of the Year / Show Puppy of the Year / Show Veteran of the Year – entry forms and details of past winners can be found under our ‘The Club/Annual Trophy Awards‘ section.

Lagotto in the Show Ring - Gallery

Here is a link to our ‘Lagotto in the Show Ring photo section.