The LRCGB runs a breed specific rescue facility for any Lagotto Romagnolo in the unfortunate position of needing a new home (thankfully an unusual situation and one most commonly due to unforeseen changes in the personal circumstances of their owner(s) which make it impossible to keep them). Whilst the first point of contact for anyone who needs to consider rehoming their Lagotto would normally be the breeder (in line with our breeders’ usual contract wording), we understand there may sometimes be exceptional circumstances where we can offer support and guidance.
Our Breed Rescue Coordinators’ contact details are at the bottom of this page.
As well as being on hand to help with any rescue needs, we welcome enquiries from potential adopters. For anyone considering adoption, please make sure you have fully researched the breed beforehand; find out as much as you can from us at the LRCGB, by visiting Discover Dogs and chatting to us, together with breeders and owners at Lagotto events. If, as is often the case, a dog is coming into rescue directly from a family home, information regarding his/her background and reasons for surrender will be available, and perhaps a few home comforts too…
A dog may not be available immediately, as waiting lists are usually kept and the more specific your preferences, the longer you are likely to have to wait. Dogs will be allocated to the home most suitable, not necessarily the one nearest the top of the list, so potential adopters may need to be patient.
As with other rescue organisations, and especially where a potential new home/new owner is unknown to us, a home visit is usually carried out to ensure that you can offer a suitable environment (once you have acquired a rescue there may also be follow-up home visits and/or phone calls to check that you and your new addition are getting along OK). When a suitable dog is found for you, you will be required to make a donation to the LRCGB Rescue Fund, and will be required to sign a form outlining the terms of adoption (within which certain stipulations may be attached, as appropriate – such as agreeing to neuter the dog if this has not already been done/agreeing not to breed from the dog).
We will require an initial assessment form filled in which we can do whilst talking to you or you can provide us with the detail. Please contact our Breed Rescue Coordinators for help with any adoption process in the first instance.
For help and advice with a Lagotto Romagnolo rescue or rehome, please contact our Breed Rescue Coordinators:
Sharon Martin
Telephone: 07966 283543
Charlotte Stacey
Telephone: 07785 308109
If our Coordinators are not available, please contact a member of the Committee.