November 2021
We welcomed Denise Stalder from dello Spirito del Bosco kennels in Switzerand back to the UK in November 2021 to give us a presentation and subsequently train us and our dogs in the art of truffle searching. Denise had previously visited in 2019 (details below) and we were delighted she was able to return, this time with one of her own dogs, Honey. We had two separate training events over two days for our Members. It was lovely to see our Lagotto improving over the day and we wish everyone success in their truffle searching…
Some photos from our training on 7 and 8 November 2021 are included below:
September 2019
In September 2019 we were delighted to welcome Denise Stalder from dello Spirito del Bosco kennels in Switzerand to train us and our dogs in the art of truffle searching. Denise runs Truffle Workshops worldwide through her Trüffel Akademie Schweiz and is co-author of the book ‘Lagotto Romagnolo & Trüffel’. We learnt about the different types of truffles, how to identify likely areas and conditions that would support truffle growth, and also how to train and incentivise our dogs. We were also delighted to see Sasha Dorey who joined us on Day 1 with her experienced truffle dog, Ralf, to show us how it is done…
Some photos from our training sessions are included below: